Be your own private investigator and stop fraudulent loads before they even start.
Grab your magnifying glass, here are some things we watch for at Assist Financial Services.
- Dispatcher’s email address may have a small typographical error when the company name is in the email address.
- EX: (normal email), but your rate sheet says: – Notice the “super” is spelled wrong.
- BOL may have another broker’s name listed as the carrier (usually the legitimate broker on the load)
- Rate sheets will just look odd…like things were cut and pasted to make look real.
- The Fraudulent broker will demand over and over that you must send the delivered bol asap.
If you think you have detected a fraudulent load your saving grace will only take 5 minutes of your time.
- Call the broker and verify this load does in fact belong to them, but DO NOT call the phone # listed on the rate confirmation. Here’s another advantage to being a Client of Assist Financial:
* use our ClientWeb and login at to verify the broker’s correct phone # and give them a call to see that your load # is in fact the broker’s load.
* If they say no that load does not belong to them, DO NOT pick the load up.
* You have taken the first step in stopping the fraud before it could begin.
*If you have already picked the load up, DO NOT send the signed bol to the dispatcher, please give Assist Financial a call at 877-287-3835 and we can work with you to find the legitimate broker and hopefully get you paid for the job you did.
**Every scam is different and these fraudsters are always coming up with new ways to trick you. **